Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Selecting Your EQ

RED:How can we help those elderly who needs money
Reasons: Some elderly have financial problems and they are too old to go to work. They have no money to pay their debts and to spend on food. They have no one to turn to because their children left them.

RED: How to help those elderly that face walking problems
Reasons: The elderly has weaker legs then before and may have problems walking around.

Blue: How can we help the elderly keep up with the society
Reasons: The elderly is lacking behind the current society, if we can teach them how to use technology, they can connect to their friends and do other things and explore the endless boundaries of the net.

Green: How do we help the elderly blend into the society
Reasons: When the elderly blend in to society, they can communicate with their grandchildren and other people through, E-mail, Facebook and other applications available. So they can keep in touch with their family and even make new friends.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Understanding the "The Elderly Challenge"

1. The Four Key Recommendation are,
- HOUSING : A house that is Elderly-friendly with support care services.
- ACCESSIBILITY : Senior citizens will have user-friendly transportation systems that are barrier-free. They will afford them a secure and unhindered travel passages.
- CARING : Seniors have access to a seamless continuum of health and elderly care services addressing to a range of needs.
- OPPORTUNITIES : Senior citizens will have opportunities to lead healthy and lively lifestyles. They will also have fulfilling relationship within their family and across generations.

2. One way the CAI recommending to make our public housing more elderly friendly is to provide housing options with features suitable for senior citizens

3. The government can either help the elderly pay a percentage of the bills or lower the price.

4. We can visit the elderly and arrange activities to keep them healthy and fit.
We can chat with the elderly or play some games with them. That way they will not feel left out.
We can have elderly grow plants in the neighborhood to let them have a sense that they are contributing to the committee